- OKX users who net deposit $50 worth of $TAMA will receive $5 in $TAMA (Maximum to receive $20 TAMA rewards for total net deposit*)
- New OKX users who PASS KYC1+ after joining OKX via this LINK during the campaign period and
Net deposit the first $20 worth of $TAMA will receive EXTRA $5 in $TAMA.
*Net Deposit = Deposit - Withdrawal
Top 10 $TAMA *net depositors will receive extra prizes:
Top 1: $500 in TAMA
Top 2: $150 in TAMA
Top 3: $100 in TAMA
Top 4-10 25$ in TAMA
Net Deposit = Deposit - Withdrawal
Top $TAMA Depositor winners must net deposit over $200 worth of $TAMA during campaign period.
📍In order to join this campaign, users will need to click HERE to login or create an account. Complete actions from below to complete your registration